Me and Daddy

I have a certain affinity towards Daddy Longlegs. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because we both have long legs. I think for the most part it is because they never stop trying.

Daddy Longlegs hang out in my shower. They flit upon the tiles, they skim, they slip, they slide, they lose their grip and try again. They are resolute.

I mutter to myself as I wash my hair watching their struggles on the wall across from me: “Why bother, find another wall without tiles, hang out under the overhanging soapdish until I get out.” Their inability to accept that they will never succeed,to accept reality, is strangely frustrating to me. I try to devise ways to help them,but they don’t want my help.

They don’t listen. They continue their Sisyphean journey, their struggle to go up. Only to come down.