
  1. Asked me first thing this morning when I think I would be able to go to England. When I said I didn’t want to talk about it, he was in a huff.
  2. Asked why. Told him I didn’t have confidence in his ability to walk without falling.
  3. Asked again and I said unequivocally and emphatically “NO”.
  4. He said “then I will go alone.”
  5. This is what drives me batty and makes me so fucking angry. He will not accept my no. Right now, I don’t feel well enough to go anywhere or take care of anyone. I am empty, used up, dry as a bone. This is about me. This is about taking care of me. Either he doesn’t get this or he doesn’t give a shit about how I am feeling right now. He wants to go to England now. If I’m not up for it, then he’ll go alone.

Okay. Go alone.

He will push and push and push hoping I will relent. I will not relent. No.