Wascally, kick ass wabbits

The sun was out this morning and I was feeling frisky. Got out my spade, my clippers, and my Hori and rocked out for four hours. It felt so good. Just like those rabbits, I jumped from one project to the next, left things unfinished, something else caught the corner of my eye, went here went there, circled back around, and finished what I started.

I got to leave my head for a while(that big old bag, bloated with worry, regrets, and overworked crap), and just be. Had some young squirrels visit and sparrows, juncos, towhees, and woodpeckers visit me at my labors.

They approved my work, loved the turned-over soil and the new pathways I opened up. Imagine being a squirrel and having a human create a little paradise for you. Wouldn’t that be grand? They’re probably thinking: Hey guys. Check this out. Is she really inviting us to eat the birdseed and trash her flowers and store our seeds in her carefully potted plants? If they’d asked I would have said, “You do you, little friends.”

Oh, I forgot. A bunny did visit. Rather leery of me but I imagine when no one is watching, he kicks his heels up and joins the fun

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