Is Fauci the ancient mariner?

waved albatross

This is a waved albatross.  This picture was picked by the Audubon Society as one of the hundred great bird pictures of the year.

You know what the albatross means to mariners, don’t you?  If you”re at sea and kill an albatross, you’re in deep doodoo.   You can get stuck in the doldrums until everyone on your ship dies except you to tell the tale.

Is that how it’s going to be in our country?  Is our country a cautionary tale?

Covid chronicles

This is how it went.  Emily finally called after a week and a half of no contact.  She is angry at me for good reason.  I cancelled our babysitting gig do to the corona but did not give her enough notice to make other arrangements.

We’re talking to her right along and I say I don’t think we can sit for her while she’s in school with other nurses and working.  Rob sits there like a bump on a log and takes no responsibility, says nothing, just quiet.

At one point Kate mentions that Tessa told her that Dad was getting a lot of pressure from Kate to say “No.”  Kate, who is upstairs, hears this and erupts.  Screaming, yelling, unhinged, around the bend.  Her Dad matches her in volume.  Kate swears and says she’s leaving.  She’s going back to Philadelphia and won’t come back and she hopes we die.  Dad will die first she said, then me.  I’ll never see you again, etc, etc.

This was a huge family anxiety attack.  It has now been 4 and 1/2 months.  Tension is high.  Emily is back in school and under pressure, Kate is trying to decide when to go back to Philadelphia, Rob and I are being very careful.  Em asked if we can go to the store why can’t we babysit.  We shouldn’t be doing anything.  We are inconsistent.

I use masks and gloves, wash hands and use sanitizer.  I think I can go to the store without causing harm.  Babysitting is another thing.  Wilder is all over us and we are all over him.  There is no 6 foot distancing.

Then, here is the kicker.  Emily said “what about his birthday?”  It’s on the 27th of July.  What is the right thing to do?  I have no idea.  The right thing to do may be the wrong thing to do.
