
Christmas is over.  This morning I prepared a grapefruit for breakfast the way my Dad used to.  I bought Robin a special grapefruit knife for Christmas, but really I bought it for myself. It has serrated edges and it curves to fit the bowl of the fruit perfectly.

Christmas was happy and sad as it usually is.  It’s laden isn’t it?

Using that knife, listening to Robin watch soccer on TV in the other room (he doesn’t watch silently), packing up the cardboard and the wrapping paper and then dancing to Afro-pop helped me chase the heaviness away.  I’m good to go, albeit a little tattered.

Turn, turn, turn

Want to hear something weird.  Come on.  I know you do.  I was thinking about Fibonacci and spirals and the universe done in buttons and I thought to myself, “Kitty, the whole world is a spiral because we are all spinning through space in a  irregular circular way and when you spin you throw off cells and bits of stars and stuff so of course you leave a spiraling track.

Planets leave tracks, people leave tracks, all matter leaves tracks.  If movement was a cacophony, then we would be a world of overwhelming noise.

What???  Am I the only one who never realized this?  Energy, spinning, whirling, we are all in motion.


Here we are on a planet spinning through a universe that’s swirling.  We don’t feel it, but we are.  We think we are in homeostasis, but we are whirling dervishes turning and turning.  Our world is a celebration in motion.

Fibonnaci expressed this deep understanding in numbers.  I want to express my understanding with joy.  Kick it up a notch people.


How sweet it is

I successfully made my Dad’s fudge yesterday.  Not grainy, not soft; perfection.  I screwed up the steps, of course, by not reading the sequence through carefully.  I sometimes go too fast, get distracted, you know, little kid stuff.

I could hear my father’s voice in my head—“blah, blah, blah”.  “Slow down, pay attention, don’t think, just follow directions.”   But I pulled success from possible failure, my corrections worked, the fudge was saved.  How sweet it is.

Wish he was here to have some.