“He didn’t believe that you should try to be good because it pays (as today’s moral tales insistently advertise, though it doesn’t necessarily turn out that way in real life), but because evil stems from intellectual and emotional stuntedness and is the one form of poverty that should be shunned.”

I can’t remember where I got this quote but I agree wholeheartedly.

Last night I watched a Frontline presentation about a neo-nazi group called  the Atomwaffen.  It’s so-called intellectual and philosophical teachings aside from Hitler and his ilk come from a man named James Nolan Mason.

This fellow, who has been a part of the movement for years, aside from being morally insane presents as a reasonable, soft spoken man  He is the perfect example of Hannah Arendt’s “banality of evil.”  He believes that all our woes  come from the Jews.

It’s the same old, same old Jewish conspiracy thinking that has been around since Moses.  I find the young men who surround him especially disturbing. They see in him the answer to all their fears, and insecurities.  He provides a road out of their fecklessness, their unhinged anger searching for a rationale, their bankrupt souls.

There will always be young soldiers that can be conscripted into this crazy army.  Can’t get and keep a job?  It’s the Jews.  Can’t prosper in the economy?  It’s the Jews.  The Man always has his boot on your neck?  It’s the Jews.

A lot has been said about these “lost boys.”  I can’t say anything more about them except to say they exist in all countries.  Their languages are different, their rationales are different, their religious beliefs are different, but they all are searching for something bigger and grander, something exciting and engaging;  a place, a belief, an ubermensch to follow.

It is facile to say they are all crazy.  Some are.  Many are simply unfinished souls looking for a place to hide.  They like the bravado, the weapons, the surety of conviction.  They are drawn to a worldview that explains all their shortcomings and disabilities.

James Mason a skinny, balding  confidante of Manson (yes that Manson) is the magnet around which these shavings adhere.

He is EVIL.  Almost affectless, logical and thoughtful seeming;  until his reveal.  He is James Jones, Charlie Manson, Adolf Hitler and any other of the legions of men who seek to remake the world in their own image.  They are Satan and they always live among us.



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