

This piece is called Thin Slices of Anxiety by Catherine Lepange.  I think it is the perfect representation of my husband, although frequently his field of vision is to the front as in the future—“What will Happen?”, “What can I do to prevent it from happening?” , “When it all goes wrong, how will I deal with it?”

Last night as he was worrying about a trip we are taking three days from now, I said “Stop.  Can you just stop.  Let’s try to be spontaneous and see what happens.”

He was offended that I asked him to be spontaneous.  I wasn’t judging him.  I know who he is and how he operates.  I just find it tiresome to play out a scenario over and over again in order somehow to forestall it all going sideways.  It either will go sideways or it won’t.  Plan accordingly.

Roll with it, Robin, lean into it.

As a little aside, is that Freud or Lenin represented above?  And if it’s Lenin, boy, did things go sideways for him.

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