
Sitting here.  Wondering what to write.  Wondering if I should write.

I am feeling vulnerable and sad today.  I have been sick for a while with my usual  malady which shall remain nameless.  Sometimes it is hard to want to remain in my body.

Kate said—“you know Mama, it could be worse.  I knew a twenty eight year old woman who lost her colon.”

“Her whole colon Kate?”

“I think so”

I don’t think it’s possible to lose your whole colon…what do they replace it with—a garden hose?”

For a second there I was waylaid by this image but then I thought “Sheesh, without your colon you would have a lot more space in your abdomen..”

Well, I feel sorry for this young woman and I know that a lot of people have it rougher than I and are very much more brave and stalwart then I.  Does that help?  Perhaps it mitigates the intensity.

But, I still feel icky and I don’t like it one bit and if that shithole Corey Lewandowski was here, he’s say:  “Whomp whomp” and I’d punch him right in the nose and pull out his colon and hang him with it.  So there.


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