Bringing up Baby

To whoever this might resonate with:

Dear Whoever,

You are doing your life the best you can, getting up, feeding and dressing the kid(s), getting everyone out and about, going to work, coming home, cooking, cleaning, laundry, organizing, trying to hold on to a few friends and family and the crises that come up. Out of the blue, someone comes up to you and says “God you look tired”  or “You’ve lost weight”, or “I’m worried about you”, and instead of taking this as a comment, you feel like you’ve failed because not only can you not keep up with all the demands in your life but you look bushed, please just give them this letter and tell them next time keep their thoughts to themselves.

Or any of the following:

  1.  I’m genetically inferior.
  2.   I have terminal herpes.
  3.   I am tired, want a baby?
  4.   Fuck off.

Magazines and books show beautiful women sailing blithely through their lives with no throw up on their sweater, or squash puree on their pants and not a wrinkle in their clothes or on their foreheads.

This is not how it is for most women.  If you have to work and you don’t have help in your home, life can be a shambles.

You could also just acknowledge that you’re tired and stressed, embrace yourself with compassion and don’t take on the judgement.  You are one person.  You are doing the best you can.  It is enough.









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