The indispensable thing

I suppose some people might think that last post was gushy.  I don’t mean it to be.  I’m not usually a gushy person.

When you’ve been through all kinds of personal shit in your family, when you’ve been dropped to your knees and all you can do is pray, you welcome the respites.  You welcome the grace.  You say “I will share this love, this joy, these simple celebrations.”

We never know how long the good times will last.  We know that pain and sorrow are around the corner, if not for you for someone you love.  Share the light when you have it, cup it in your hands and let it warm and guide you, because darkness is on the other side of the hill.  It waits as you walk along sunlit roads or drink wine at a favorite cafe in the sun, or just revel in a Spring day.

Joy is ephemeral, and hopefully, so is pain.  So sail through both, but share the joy.


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