
Rob and I went to Edmonds on Tuesday night so we’d be up and ready to babysit our grandson Wilder early Wednesday morning.  I don’t write this for credit.  I write this to say how having a grandson (and he is grand), has changed the tenor of our marriage.

I am not quite sure how.  Robin glows when he sees Wi and Wi glows right back at him.  Their faces light up like Christmas trees.  Their joy in each other opens me up like nothing ever has.

When I feed him his bottle, or these beautiful little purees they have now, Wi studies me and I study him.  Our regard is serious, less fireworks; more deliberative.  “Who are you?   You sound like my mother but you aren’t my mother.

I can be pretty territorial—mine, mine.  But I don’t feel this with Wi.  Rob’s love for his grandson increases my love for him and my grandson.  It’s like we’re wrapped in a love burrito and we can’t get enough of it

When Rob and I had our own kids there was just so much pressure and stress.  This is stress free parenthood where you can do a day and walk away.  We can bathe in the arms of familial love without getting strangled by familial and interpersonal needs.

What joy.  I am so grateful.


Teaching Wilder to reach, then crawl.


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