
Rob said today as we sat in the garden discussing the eclipse “I paid for totality and it wasn’t delivered.”  I tried to explain the path and how far off the path we are, but he was having none of it.

I saw the moon take a nibble off the side of the sun, then a bit more and a bit more.

For us, there was just a little sliver of the sun left when it was over.  I said to Rob it was as if the sun were mimicking the moon, waning and then waxing.  The world is topsy turvy, what’s up is down, what’s usually light is dark.

I sat with my coffee and those silly little glasses and looked to my hearts content.


The light was surreal in our garden and as I walked around the house, I saw the pattern that the eclipse made on the cedar siding.  It looks like little eclipses doesn’t it?

It may not have been total here but it was totally wonderful/strange/disturbing.  We are not the masters of the universe.



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