


I don’t want to start feeding the crows.

I am tempted of course

As I watch them socialize good humoredly.

But they seem to me judgmental somehow as they lean towards each other

On the power lines.

Like commas that chat and murmur,

Chortle and jeer.  Parenthetical expressions,

these birds.

Happy and jolly( dark and ill-tempered).

I am not willing to take on a murder.

A murder it will be and then a massacre.

Feed one crow and then

You have the lot.

Better you should lead

Parallel lives

One in the air

The other on the ground

Each in their element.


After all these years, I hear an ambulance and I think that Kate is gone.  When does the fear go away?

Kate says—“Well, I’m over it now so really it’s your problem…”

What a dickish thing to say.

The subtext to that is—-it’s not my problem.  True, but could you show a little sensitivity?  This is why Tess and Emily don’t buy in.  It’s over for Kate so it’s over.  Not so. I don’t dwell on it, I enjoy her company, I love her dearly, but, she is still the center of her universe and would like to be the center of mine and I’m sorry but that place is taken.

Compassion would be good.  Humility would be nice.



Hanging with my capybaras


Okay…this is a meditation exercise.  Choose a point on the capybaras, cross your eyes until you go all blurry.  Travel down to your core and sit there while the image rocks you gently back and forth.  Imagine a warm flowing body of water.  Don’t pee your pants.  Breathe. Breathe.


Aunt Fran say “You fucking lost your mind Kiki G.  Best go lay down now.  Quit putting crazy out there in the world.  Keep that shit to yourself.”