Dog Poop and the Common Good


Took Izzie and Nutball (Murphy) to the beach.  Sun out intermittently, windy and cool.  We met Tito and Dizzy and another dog whose name I can’t pull in.

I had to look for the dog cops as we now have a leash law on this Island meaning that all dogs no matter how small or well-behaved have to be on leashes.  Even three legged dogs, I wonder?  Even dogs on their last legs, I wonder?

Yes and Yes.  All dogs.  We all have to be well-behaved on this Island. This Island used to be comfortable for anarchists and free spirits.  We all now need to toe the line.

What line you’re probably wondering.  Come on–you know the line.  The line of good citizenship for all.  I do understand.  People need to be able to walk around without fear of getting knocked over or mauled.  Folks don’t want other dogs mauling their dogs.  I get that.

I just don’t like being nickle and dimed to death.  However, I do appreciate a bit of political correctness, comity between men,  the common good.

How do we balance this? I want what I want when I want it and I also want other people to want what I want.  Sorry—no lock step here.

This is the antithesis of “the West”.  I guess if you have hundreds of acres, you can let your dogs run free and not have to pick up their poop.  But any suburban or urban environment needs rules for the greater good.

So if I want to let my dog run, I will have to move to Wyoming.  Living here, we all have to mind our manners.  And our dogs.




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