So here I am after I’ve had my fill of trees that talk and hearts that bleed (Jesus).

I am so connected to pain in others.  That seems like an odd thing to say, doesn’t it?  But there it is and I think it’s true.  It is why I am a good therapist.  I am able to find that rich vein of suffering and mine it.

Am I a pain whore?  I hope not.  I don’t feel like I am because I am also open to joy.  I’ll mine whatever I’m offered.

It is so interesting that in this age of CBT and DBT, I have remained thoroughly in the camp of talk therapy.  I think DBT and CBT are helpful dealing with symptoms, but understanding, exposing your shit to the light, draining the abscess, takes a lot more than behavioral interventions.

The stories we tell ourselves about what happened to us, become our truths.  These truths can determine how we proceed and more importantly, if we proceed.  I mean we all get older.  There is no remedy for that.  But without examination,  we may not move forward.  **************************


Here’s the deal.  Be wary how you walk in other’s people’s lives.  Be careful.  Go slow.  Let them lead.  Do not push too hard.  Secrets that have been kept for years have a way of exploding.  Easy as you go.








  1. OMG Kit I can’t imagine someone carrying that with them their whole life and not talking about it. I always knew I had students whose lives involved sexual abuse but was never in a situation to listen to them. I’m grateful that you, and other therapists, are trained to help these hurt people, to enable them to talk through their nightmares. I’ve read on facebook that “teachers are the only people who worry about other peoples kids.” But this applies to counselors as well. You have to be mighty healthy yourself to keep that pain from latching on to you, from sucking you down. There must be times that it just seems like too much.


  2. Wow this seems like the season of sexual abuse. I just saw “Room”. It is one of the best most intense movies that I have ever seen on so many levels. Listening to Ann’s eulogy and her unresolved issues with sexual and physical abuse it just hurt my soul that she was still dealing with childhood issues while she was dying. If the band-aid is not removed and society does not acknowledge the frequency of rape in all its forms it will never get better. Thank you for your work and dedication.


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