


I was listening to a podcast last night about Voyager 1 and 2.  They’ve been travelling through space I think (although I better check), since 1977.  They are unmanned, simply observing our universe, it’s look and sounds and temperature.Initially, it could see our universe but it’s photographic abilities were turned off to save energy and prolong it’s efficacy.

So now these little spacecraft are simply feeling and hearing. The Voyagers have now traveled to the edge  of our galaxy. They have experienced and recorded powerful solar winds that sweep through space like air into a balloon, defining the edges of our universe.

Voyager has touched the edges of our universe, what one scientist referred to as the frayed edges of an enormous skirt, and then has moved beyond these edges into a band of quiet and peace. A place of nothing.  I don’t know if there is any resistance there.  What would it even mean to have no resistance?

No one knows how long Voyager will remain in this quiet zone.  It might be hours or days or centuries.  Seems that this brave little spacecraft has earned a rest.

As I lay in bed listening in the dark to the podcast, it was as if I were in a space ship using my ears to travel hundreds of thousands of miles away from my warm bed  through the stars and the solar winds, past the frayed skirt of the universe and on into eternity.  Each of us of course is a universe–that’s what universe means.


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