Tend to your rage

“I wonder if we are ready to look at each other in the eye, and see our own humanity reflected in one another. If we do. When we do. We would be fully human.”

I read this piece and thought about an incident yesterday.  I was pulling out from a parking lot into a busy street.  I had pulled up a little into the sidewalk so I could get a better look into the street.  A car pulled up behind me and just at that moment a pedestrian stepped out and I had to stop.  I wanted to pull back but couldn’t. A man and his daughter came by from the right.  He was clearly infuriated as he passed my car.  I rolled down my window to apologize and he went off.  Furious, judgmental and sarcastic.

I was rather shocked.  In my New York days I would have gone off right back at him.  I have become more circumspect in public.  As it was, his anger, his outrage was transferred instantaneously onto me.  I was shocked, angry, upset.

Isn’t it interesting—rage is like a virus and it’s so easy to catch.  One outburst and you can be off to the races.  “Stupid prick”  I said to myself, “asshole”, “self-righteous prig”, “Fuck you.” I chewed on these feelings all the way home trying vainly to dismiss them.  But I couldn’t.  Rage feeds more rage.

Of course, during the night this incident seemed of no importance and I didn’t think of it again until I read the above.

I am especially taken by the concept of seeing the human within the other person. I believe I saw him as he passed before my car.  He was angry and upset and I wanted to apologize to him.  What he saw was clearly not me.  He saw all the assholes in his life who get in his way.  He saw his stupid mother-in-law who shouldn’t be driving.  He saw a spoiled old lady who feels entitled to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.  Who knows? I don’t know who he saw but he didn’t see me..He used me as a foil for his inner state.

His anger entered me and I was left with it.  Did it help him any?  Was he less angry at his child or partner when he got home?  What poison was he carrying inside?

I made a mistake.  I pulled too far into the sidewalk.  I shouldn’t have done that.  Mea culpa.

He had what amounted to road rage.  I do not doubt that if he had had a weapon, he would of used it.  He wanted to obliterate, to flatten me.  How odd that our life, offering as it does many creature comforts, cannot calm the creature within.

Rage is not okay.  Rage sucks.  The reason rage sucks is because anything can set it off—a child’s crying, a moment of stupidity, a bad lunch.

Tend to your rage Sir.  It has no place on our streets or in our homes.  Tend to your rage before you hurt someone.

Dancing in my head

I was driving down to work this morning listening to Spanish guitar, and got the most wonderful sensuous high, dancing in the car, in the dark, by myself.  I was quite literally transported.  I was going to say longing for my younger self, but that isn’t it because my younger self would never abandon herself to such things. Longing to be me now, yet younger, supple, dancing, swaying, and joyful.

I have the memory of being held in someone’s arms and spun out, the heat, the rush, the joy of being able to embody music, forgetting your head for a while, forgetting everything except the movement.

No matter how crippled up I get, or miserable, no matter where I live or how I live, I can dance in my head.

The Accidental Asshole

Last night I got in a whole bolloxed up mess with Emily and then with Rob.

Emily first.  The lead up was an hour talk with Tessa about her wedding—-we looked at a lot of pictures and colors and themes.  It was fun. We talked about where we would go in Portland while we are down there this coming weekend.  She has a million ideas and limited time.  It will be insane.  She mentioned that she and Ben and Joe and Emily got together at the beach this past weekend and she thought that it wasn’t very comfortable.

After getting off the phone with Tessa, Em called.  She asked what we were doing for Dad’s birthday.  I said we are going to be in Portland, etc, etc.  She said I want to come.

Rob got on the phone and said that would be great, let’s do it.  I interject something but am really trying to get Rob off the phone because he hasn’t heard that the Tess/Em thing is weird right now and also I want Tess to myself as we don’t get much time together, but Rob wants Em at his birthday dinner.  And on and on.  Rob got off the phone.

I blurted something out that sounded suspiciously like Tessa doesn’t want…  You get the gist.  Emily was hurt. Turns out Em has this next weekend off and would like to come.  It just seemed way too complicated given that Joe and Em would like to stay at Tess and Ben’s and that is not so comfortable right now.

We continued talking in an awkward way and then hung up.  After about 30 minutes, I called her back and said look Em—I wanted this to be just Tess and I.  Em said I understand but I can tell when she’s hurt.  Fuck fuck fuck.

Then Rob got back from Rotary.  He says if I so much as forget your birthday and don’t plan a big thing then you get hurt. I explain the Tess/Em deal, but he is still hurt, angry at me, and maybe he has a right to be. I think maybe he’s right.  Maybe I am just being a selfish cow.

Do you see this fucking mess.  Emily is upset, Rob’s upset and I am upset.  Can we just say no.  Can we just say this is what I want? What do you want and go from there?

I want to go down to Portland.  I want to go out shopping with Tess, out to birthday dinner with Rob and whoever else is there.  i want to talk with J and P about our trip.  That’s it.

Emily wants Tess to include her in her wedding planning—she wants to be her Matron of Honor.  Tess wants to do all the planning herself and just involve us as needed.

Em feels left out, Rob feels unloved, Tess is conflicted, and I’m pissed off.  Ain’t it grand.

Too much drama. The more I act as mediator, the more I want to soften the blow, the worse it gets.

Aunt Fran say—“more people involved, hairier it get…move to a desert island or to the top of a mountain that has no name, pick up your begging bowl and staff.  Ain’t nothing simpler than that.”

He wants Em to come for his birthday.  Arghhhh!!!!