

Kate called Chris and left a message.  “I’m fabulous,”  she said.


I want Kate to call someone, anyone in her family and say “I’m sorry for all the grief I’ve caused.”  I want her to have a real dialogue with someone, her sisters, father, me, and listen to what we have to say.


She wants to skip a step.  She wants to go directly from being grievously ill to fabulous without skipping a beat.  Where does she live?  What does she think about?  Does she ever process?  Who is she?



Banking in crazy town

Saw Kate yesterday at the bank.  She talked a mile a minute and couldn’t look at me.  She seemed very manic, but perhaps it was just hard for her to see me.  I don’t know what to think.  What’s new?


She is closing her account so that Rob and I won’t be liable for her debts.  Bank of America reached it’s long arm out and removed $400.00 from our account to pay off her debt.  This is the result of Rob taking responsibility for handling Kate’s finances when she was so sick.  We are now forever and ever associated with that account so she needs to close it.  


B of A representative wanted to explain it all away but I didn’t really feel like listening.  If a bank can’t be understanding why should I be understanding of their employees.